The solemn graduation of officers of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine took place in Naval Institute of NU «ОМА» on March 31, 2017. The graduates were awarded with naval dirks and diplomas. Voronchenko I.O., Commander of the Ukrainian Navy, Vice Admiral congratulated graduates on the special day and wished the traditional “Fair winds and a following sea!”. M.V. Miyusov, the Rector of NU «ОМА», P.D. Goncharenko, Head of Naval Institute of NU «ОМА», G.I. Zubov, Director of the Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Interaction with Law Enforcement Agencies of Odessa City Council and others delivered welcoming addresses as well. Besides, Claudio Dei, Colonel, Defense Attaché at the Embassy of Italy in Ukraine awarded with naval dirk Ivan Dolgikh, the best graduate, lieutenant. Creative teams congratulated the young officers with songs and dancing as well as a festive concert was held.