The Student Forum of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) was being successfully held at the headquarters of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London from 11 till 13 July, 2023.  IAMU invited one student from each member university to take part in workshop on maritime topics during the forum. The workshop’s main theme was «MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on», the theme of World Maritime Day 2023. Such event has already become traditional for the Association and Universities, NU «OMA» also took part in it. The Forum brought together 60 students representing educational institutions in more than 30 countries apart from organizers and facilitators of working groups. 

The first working day was based on a welcoming speech made by Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to all participants. Introductory statements were made by Takeshi Nakazawa, Executive Director of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) and the representative of the Nippon Foundation – the main sponsor of the Association.

Аll students were divided into 6 groups and distributed depending on the occupation and personal preferences. In two days, the participants held active discussions, presented ideas and highlighted the general issues of the maritime industry. Consequently, each group presented its project on the proposed topic containing the ways of their solution.

Katkova Anastasiia, a student of the 5th year of the Institute of Maritime Law and Management (Specialty – Law) was the representative on behalf of NU «OMA». She was involved in the work of the group that considered the problematic issues of Working and Living Conditions at Sea. Many ideas were suggested and considered including the problems of mutual understanding between seamen, company and coastal services.