International Scientific and Technical Conference on “Sea and River Fleet: operation and repair” took place in National University “Odessa Maritime Academy” in order to exchange experience and results of scientific research as well as enhance the training quality of thesis works from 23 to 24 March, 2017.
The conference topics included the following sections: engines and power plants; operation and repair of transportation means of the sea and river fleet; engineering technologies of ecological and occupational safety at sea; modern information technologies in education and foreign language training for marine engineers.
Upon the recommendation of the Organizing Committee, the reports that meet the requirements of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (extract from the Resolution of the Presidium of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles dated 15.01.2003, No. 7-05 / 1) will be published in the following collections “Ship Power Plants”, “Automation of Ship Technical Systems” (included in the list of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles)