  • Zhovten 202333

National University “Odessa Maritime Academy” congratulates everyone on the Day of Defenders of Ukraine!

For many centuries, our people have been creating a state that we would be proud of and that we [...]

27/09/2023 14:24|News|
  • 44

Initiation day into cadets of National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”

September 22 marked a significant event at National University “Odessa Maritime Academy” - the Day of initiation into cadets.It [...]

27/09/2023 14:05|News|
  • Whatsapp 2023 08 25 15 11 5911

IAMU WG on OBT meeting in Tokyo

The IAMU Working Group on the comprehensive study on the quality of onboard training had a meeting in Tokyo, [...]

05/09/2023 17:07|News|